I cannot remember the last time I blogged anything, probably because time now has become a little more scarce, or at least time where my words flow onto paper. With a new life comes new responsibilities, new thoughts, new goals, and of course my little Layla looks up to me and seeks to be comforted, loved and supported in her own life.
I didn’t sleep much last night, but then again who can with all those “special” baby sounds….. My sister was going to write a book listing 101 reasons why people are better off not having children. I was thinking about this a lot this week, because in the first week alone I figured I may be able to pen my own book, but then I realized something. It came shortly after a dinner conversation with my dad. All great things, all the most wonderful blessed things in our life have usually come with tremendous sacrifice. I supposed then that one could just as easily write a book titled “101” reasons not to go to college. But the truth of the matter is those gains, those future rewards come with patience and commitment to what is in front of us today. Seeking a beauty in life, in our own existence, seeking a future not just for ourselves, being able to experience the growth of human life, the development of a soul, of a mind, surely would take such dedication, and oh how we will be rewarded with those gains. I decided then to wake up each day and forget about what I am missing, and think about all that I have been given. Ralph Marston pointed this out again yesterday morning; that our happiness truly can be “created” in an instant, just with a frame shift of our mind.
There may very well be 101 reasons not to have children, but I believe there are 102 reasons in support of the alternative, and that is simple…. That I can write this today… What a gift from my parents, what a joy to be alive, what a joy to share in this life!
Great words and great insight. Of course it makes it all the better because I was able to contribute to your thought in some small way. Ah, the joys of being a parent.