"The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. I pray while I am engaged at my work in the laboratory." Louis Pasteur I am becoming increasingly skeptical of "God" in the bible. Or any book for that matter. Books and words were created by man. The only evidence of God is that for which we have no explanation: The material, invisible even to the … [Read more...] about Proof of Life
Archives for April 2011
A Warrior’s Son
Bob Stewart, a fraternity brother of mine, wrote the following after reading A Warrior’s Son http://deweypasquini.com : I just finished your book tonight and I am speechless. It truly was great, but at times it was hard for me to read.. It made me cry a few times because it was so close to home and I had to put it down to get myself together so I could continue to … [Read more...] about A Warrior’s Son
Republican Budget
As usual, the Republicans are completely unaware of the old saying by George Santayana, “That those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it." The Republicans are talking about taxing the rich at 25% instead of the current 35% which is half of what it was during the Kennedy/Johnson years. Guess what? That last time the tax on the rich was 25%, it was in 1928, … [Read more...] about Republican Budget
If You Have You are Blessed
Wow I was reading this today, it speaks the truth doesn't it! … [Read more...] about If You Have You are Blessed
Titanium Mom
Titanium Mom, originally uploaded by stephenpasquini. Congratulations Mom Pasquini on making it bravely through your hip surgery. Still a bit of a road to travel but we are proud she is such a tough cookie. I enjoyed our time together lamenting her moaning roommate, but in life sometimes another's pain helps us realize the blessing we have. Today I am back in … [Read more...] about Titanium Mom