Sometimes I feel like I am idling through life. A constant Admirer. This week I have felt oftly disconnected from the world around me. I hate it when I feel like this. I just feel a bit different, a bit disconnected from the people I see and the world I live in. This happens from time to time and I am not quite sure why. I can only figure that others feel the same way at times but then when I feel like this I look at others and they seem so happy and so content. It is weird I seem to crave isolation along with companionship. Sometimes the noise of everything starts to hurt my head, I crave that silent moment, alone with my thoughts. Although this often provides further fuel to my disconnect. Along with all the others writing their woes on the Internet so go mine, lost in cyberspace. What is it that we seek, how much time do we have to find it????
We paddled today on a Hawaiian outrigger, how great!! And we dream of a new dwelling in Seabright…. I am tired, I will sleep well tonight. I leave this blog with a great quote I heard while re-reading the four hour work week “Most people if given the choice will choose unhappiness over uncertainty” and this my friends explains so much in life!!!
Excellent quote at the end and so true. That must be why they say that that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.
God bless. Love ya.