It’s almost 2am I am awake and blogging. I can’t seem to put my head to bed. I woke up at 7am today with a single goal in mind and that was to finish all the painting of the crown and window molding in my den and hall. Eureka!!! I am finally done. It is great to be able to finally have a place to sit back and enjoy. Things are starting to come along real well. We posted our washer and dryer on Craigslist and within a couple of hours we had sold them for 200 bucks and they were helping me lift them down and out of our house. So we cleaned up all the crap behind the machines, and now more painting!! But it is great, I am finally starting to see an end to all the fun.. Well not really an end but that point I have been dreaming of that involves me sitting and chillin in my chair, or sunnin’ on the beach. That is why I am awake and it is 2am… I am so happy not to have to wake up and walk into that mess. We even got rid of our dishwasher, we gave it to the two guys and were just happy to have somebody take it!!
Life has thrown me a couple of bones lately, and the job front has created another new and interesting dilemma, I will be awaiting eagerly a call tomorrow and I guess I will go from there.
Ok, I am tired, just wanted to drop in an entry, I need to take some pictures of the house and my wife!! Felt the baby move for the first time. The little dude/dudet was just letting us know she was there!! It is bewildering, I swear!