OK so I was thinking, the United states come to find out has around 305,186,613 people living within it’s borders. of that number about 12 million people are illegal immigrants and undocumented citizens, leaving us with about 292,186,613 legal and documented members of the united states. So: 700,000,000,000 divided by 393,186,613 is equal to $2,395… per person in the united states. which doesn’t seem like a whole lot until you factor into the fact that that is per person which would mean for a family of four this equals roughly $10,000 dollars….. per U.S family. Now, imagine if you gave each child his own stipend to spend for school. In the United states there in an average of 477 kids per each elementary school. this would be 1,142,415 per elementary school in the united states. the average minimum wage worker in the us makes approximately $10,712 per year in the united states, if they had just two children a government payout would be equal to their entire year salary. the average annual premium a health insurer charges an employer for a health plan covering a family of four was $12,100 in 2007, for the first time ever more than the annual salary of a minimum wage employee. In front of congress right now is a national health insurance plan covering all 305 million us citizens. it would reduce the average cost to an employer for an employee earning 35000 per year to $1,155… that is less than 100 dollars per month, with 700Billion and a new health care plan president bush could supply comprehensive medical coverage to every American for more than 3 years. The average yearly food bill for a family of three is $7800…. this would be enough to feed a family of three in the US for one whole year. In January of 2008 an average American household spent roughly $1,210 per year on gas, as of June 23’rd a household driving he same distance spent $4,345…………how about 2 years worth of free gas???
The truth is no matter how your crunch the numbers 700 billion dollars is a lot of money. After doing my own analysis I visited a truly great site ww.nationalpriorites.org…. this is what they had to say http://www.nationalpriorities.org/node/6885…..
how can we let the Bush Administration touch our money, do you think it is a coincidence that all these big companies have decided to join the government free for all before the election, big business, fat cats, riding the wave of our hard earned tax dollars!!! 700 billion is the number of ulcers I am going to get, which would require approximately 2000 of those tasty McDonald’s apple pies which CNN claims I could buy with my cut… ahhhh the American way!!!
I was unable to respond this blog earlier because I couldn’t get onto blogger. I’m working with my aunt right and don’t have time to write more.