It is 12:30 pm, I didn’t get home from work tonight till almost 10pm. It was a long but satisfying day, and as always I am look forward to the weekend but am satisfied as to how the week decided to pan out. I am disappointed to see congress pass the 700 billion dollar budget. Maybe I am wrong about this, who knows maybe the entire economy would have collapsed. But I have to say that it looks like when congress was faced with panic or stern well thought out resolution they chose panic. I was unhappy to see Obama take such a positive role in the bailout, although I cannot imagine him choosing otherwise especially with the election on the line. Strange though how when one big firm goes broke all the others decide to jump ship, maybe they too saw a window of opportunity closing. I cannot help to think that we could hae not also have supported other bailouts, especially when I cannot even get my pediatric patients something as simple as a nebulizer for a parents needy child… something here is very wrong.. That is all I have left to say on this matter, and I guess we will see how it pans out.
Tomorrow is time for debate number 2. I have to say, I do think governor Palin is smarter than she appeared to be on the CBS interview with Katie, I have been there myself, tangled thoughts, studying so hard the night before so afraid to mess up it all comes exploding out in one very sad piece of self proclaimed vomit. I would say we should expect more from a presidential hopeful, but then I think how this country has had G.W for 8 years, and I truly believe he is the village idiot, and Sarah Palin was just a deer in the headlights.
One mroe thought before I turn in… I have been reading a wonderful book by the name of Animal Vegetable Miracle. It has been so wonderful on so many levels, and want to remember how much this book has meant to me and how it has changed my view on food, the farming industry, and the hope to find American food culture…. and on that I will go to sleep, sugar plum dreams, whatever a sugar plum is???
Tomorrow is time for debate number 2. I have to say, I do think governor Palin is smarter than she appeared to be on the CBS interview with Katie, I have been there myself, tangled thoughts, studying so hard the night before so afraid to mess up it all comes exploding out in one very sad piece of self proclaimed vomit. I would say we should expect more from a presidential hopeful, but then I think how this country has had G.W for 8 years, and I truly believe he is the village idiot, and Sarah Palin was just a deer in the headlights.
One mroe thought before I turn in… I have been reading a wonderful book by the name of Animal Vegetable Miracle. It has been so wonderful on so many levels, and want to remember how much this book has meant to me and how it has changed my view on food, the farming industry, and the hope to find American food culture…. and on that I will go to sleep, sugar plum dreams, whatever a sugar plum is???
My concern is not that they are giving the bailout, but that they may not take into consideration the average family in doing so. If they take care of Wall Street as well as Main Street, then I’m happy. But I’m not sure they did that in the end. I pray they did. The bill they passed was much larger in terms of actual pages than the original so who knows.