I am a Physician Assistant in a rural community health center in the heart of California. I am a product of the National Health Service Corps, and like many who started in this program, remain committed to the quest of providing quality affordable healthcare for all. Please Mr. President do not forget all the people that hurt and suffer. The ones who go out to work weather in the fields, the schools or the community so as to provide warmth, education and a better future for themselves and their family. Healthcare is more than a political issue, it is a moral issue, and you have it in your power to do what is just and right. I beg you to help stop the suffering, it is wrong as a society with so much money and affluence to watch so many go without. Healthcare is an economic issue, releasing the burden from employers, and making us a more prosperous country while creating jobs and preventing companies from moving overseas. Please, Please, Please help us, I don’t think we can take anymore hits, our schools have rampant gang problems and drugs, we are loosing programs like youth build which helps disadvantaged teens, our diabetics without health insurance often go without much needed insulin which costs approximately 200 dollars for a month supply. They have stopped covering dental care, and vision exams leaving our patients often for months at a time with very bad dental infections. I will often treat these adults with high dose antibiotics for months to prevent the serious and potentially life threatening infections. Kids will go often years with teeth rotting in their mouths, because mom’s can not pay the 400 dollars for the anesthesia that is needed for the procedure. What good really is a dental exam, without appropriate follow up and care. What good is a blood pressure check without the lifestyle modifications and medicines to provide the cure? We are hurting, we are failing as a kind nation, we are teaching our youth through our actions that their lives are merely an afterthought, and they are worth little more than the leftovers that fall from the table!
Right on son. Your post is not too emotional at all. Be sure you check your spelling, grammar, and clarity of thought before posting. My master teacher told me that when I was doing my student teaching. I guess I made a few mistakes on something I wrote, and he wanted me to know that it might hurt my cause and give the wrong impression. I check my writing over and over again and still find errors after I've posted it. This disturbs me very much. I read this comment seven times and made quite a few changes before I posted it. I don't mean to sound too fatherly, but it's an important thing to keep in mind when we're fighting for justice.