Sometimes I have a perspective problem. I start staring down a tunnel and begin to loose track of the big picture. It is nice to be snapped out of this, sometimes it takes an outside force. People give me a bad time for liking Joel Osteen, but on my ride today in my car I listened to his weekend sermon called “Having the right perspective”. I almost turned it off in the first few minutes because I was feeling frustrated but I let it go because something started to resonate with me. It was a talk about realizing how good we have it, how almost every thing most of us complain about on a daily basis are actually blessings. Many people balk at this but I know this is true, the fact that by having just 15 dollars one is far richer than 75% of the worlds population, places things in perspective. We take for granted the ability to walk, talk, see, feel, touch and love. So often I forget just how lucky I am, and it takes someone special to remind us. This is a short 2 minute clip from his sermon which hit home this weekend, after I found myself exhausted and complaining.
If you liked that you can find the rest of the podcast here on Joel’s Web Site it is well worth the listen.
Stephen, as usual, you show great insight. You are right about perspective. I’ve been telling everyone on my trip about your calling the “terrible twos” the “terrific twos.” You’re right about perspective.