A teacher gives hope to those who have none, simply by believing in a person who no one else believes in, by seeing potential in a child who hates himself, by instilling values of love, and an eagerness to learn, by being there when the world has failed him. Our teachers are my heroes! Without the respect that money brings, they find happiness in the joy of what they do. They fight an uphill battle that provides little fiscal rewards or resources for which to do their job. They endure frustrations that most of us would not even begin to tolerate, for what then if not for the betterment of our children, our society, for our families? Today I praise these heroes of our war on terror, each enlightened student is our greatest asset in this world, an asset that without teachers would be someday worth as much as oil!
Your mom and I and all the teachers who affected you thank you. I like the line …”each enlightened student is our greatest asset.” The other is “A teacher gives hope to those who have none.” It’s one thing to be a student who listens and learns than one who tunes out wisdom. Thus the enlightened student. A life without hope isn’t much of a life. We have to believe there is a good future for us. Too many of the poor don’t see any real future at all.