I was thinking though of the quote that I had used before and then thought of how this could be changed to add a bit of incite onto this situation, it went like this: “most people when given the choice will choose unhappiness over uncertainty” I thought this was a wise statement because how often does fear just stop us cold in our tracks. But, as I thought about My sister and brother as they transition into their new life’s and their focus on maintaining their current net worth at the expense of all of life’s little joy’s I thought it may be changed to this: “most people when given the choice will choose unhappiness over uncertainty, but it is the fool who chooses both”
Of course this should be taken as a grain of salt, as they have already made changes that not many people would have the guts to do and I am proud of them both, but it was just a thought.
I start another work week whooo aaaaaaaa…………. I hope this one is a bit more relaxing than the last couple, I am excited to see my dad again, Layla is crawling all over the place and as always her smile is the best part of my day, that and the love of family and friends. This when placed into perspective makes the world seem rather simple.
One last note, I am currently reading “the God delusion” it is written by an atheist and it is a fascinating look at religion and God. I think all Christians should read this book in their life to see the world from a different light, it has really been a fascinating journey thus far. I am concurrently listening to another book titled freakenomics in the car, it is equally fascinating……… I will keep you updated…
As usual, a most enlightening blog. I know you mentioned your revised quote last night and I like it. I’m currently at your house watching The Lost Boys. Weird.
Like your new pictures.