The road to discontent is paved with life’s possessions. And in this bewildering sea we can find ourselves drowning, gasping for a bit of the air that we long to breath. Forgetting that what is life’s true passion is love, friendship and our quest to find meaning in our life’s dying minutes. It is at these times, where clarity breaks in, where the beauty of it all overtakes me, where I can see through all the noise, and hear once and for all the symphony that surrounds me. As I journey on this road, I must be reminded of this quest. Be thankful for this moment, worry for nothing, and live for tomorrow as if it was worth more than a chance to find the perfect countertop, that 42 inch plasma TV, or a tile backsplash. If we all put such energy into our day we could probably find a solution to global poverty and finally get the Republicans on a ship out of Washington. But then, I guess why worry so much about the worlds social inadequacies, why worry about the world at all. Such worry may only get us back to the beginning, back to such discontent, wondering where it all started!
I’m always impressed at how you take the time to reflect on your life. A reflective life is important. Our readers’ group just finished reading The Sweetest Dream. I loved it because it was so real and portrayed life like it is. Many complained that it was too much of a downer. It was about a group of young people who sat around the table at Julia and France’s home and talked about everything. Every idea was possible. The second half of the story was about one of them going to be a doctor in Africa and how she felt so frustrated because she always felt like a failure because there was never enough of anything. But she made a difference. There were many of those young people who had big dreams, but the doctor was the only one who decended into the dream to help make it real. The others were dreamers and while they felt they were doing good from their high position of power, didn’t really want to see the reality of what was happening on the ground. If you want a small glimpse of this, watch the DVD I gave you, The Fantastiks. Anyway, your blogs make me think and write.