“If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.” – C.G. Jung
I thought this quote was so wise I had to put it in my blog, I wish I could take credit. Have been keeping up with my work out goals. I had the most amazing run yesterday… that is 7 words I thought I would never use in a series. But the tide was low, I walked out my front door and ran 5.2 miles round trip to the small lighthouse on seabright beach. It was 8:45am the sun hadn’t even made it through the dew. The shore birds were waking up, the ocean was calm, and it was just amazing to take it all in. I found out something as well on my run. I found a bit of my groove I think. I was thinking about a bike and how when you go into the biggest chain ring it is more power per stroke. So as I was running I tried to do as the Tarahumara Indians do and shorten my stride. Five and a half miles later, I felt refreshed and energized. As I was feeling the cool air enter my lungs, and connecting with my body, I realized why people run. This is like being a baby again I thought, it is like learning that I have parts to my body and functions I never new I had. What a wonderful blessing I guess to live in such a place. I am learning to appreciate more and more what I have every day.
I have also started doing spin class in the morning. Nothing else in the world makes me sweat like this biking class. Thursday’s and Saturday Morning’s are my days. at 8am it is nice to wake up to the morning and work so hard. I find the loud music and the support of the 3o or so others there in the makes the workout fun and exhilarating. They played one of the best little blues songs I ever have heard this morning, while we were “climbing” the final mountain. It has been a great addition to my weekly routing.
And last, I learned Layla on the guitar this week with my guitar teacher David O’conner. I really like the guy. I had to cut back my sessions to once every other week so I will have a bit more time in between to practice, and find the right cost to learning ratio. My teacher is bluesy, a bit disorganized, but I think he has such a neat sound and he loves to create and use weird new chords. Last session we learned a Jazz version of “Summertime” it is a nice sound. I can’t wait to sit down with Wendy and Layla and work this one out. This week after our session I used a syringe and needle tubing to clean out his ear with wax (yes you read that right). It was funny, I could not believe how much I got out. It was nice to do something for him, and he left with a big cheesy grin, I think it was because he hadn’t been able to hear for such a long time…..
Ok, that is enough for now, I just had a moment and wanted to record some of it into history. I am looking outside the window and waiting for it to rain, I think I will sit down on my couch and finish the movie Che’!!!!!
Every time I read your blog, I wish I could jog again. I know a lot of people would rather walk than jog, but I prefer jogging. I think it gets the endorphins working.
The best run I ever had was one evening running around Victory Park. I used to jog down to the park and then maybe go three times around. It started to rain and then pour. I took off my shirt and ran in the rain screaming with exhilaration. What a night!
You're doing far more than I ever did, but when I get my weight down, I'd like to start jogging again if my heart will beat normally.
It sounds like you're doing a great job of getting balance in your life. Good for you.