I ran across this video from a movie (Don't know the name of the movie) and have sat on it. Finally decided to post it. It's called America Is Not #1. The actor is responding to a student who must have asked why America is the best country in the world. There's some bad language in it, so protect the ears of the little ones. This guy gives a lot of facts. America is not … [Read more...] about America
The Right to Work for Lower Wages and Poorer Working Conditions
I can't believe the Republicans. They just lost an election and I guess they think that since they still control the House and the Governorship of a few key states, they can try to take away what some people gave their lives for. Yes, gave their lives for. Anyone who has ever read Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and Nickle and Dimed by Barbara … [Read more...] about The Right to Work for Lower Wages and Poorer Working Conditions
Success Verses Failure
I was in bed this morning thinking about my life and all the trials and tribulations that seemed to hold me back from my true potential. Then I realized that while it may have seemed so, it wasn't. I remember some years ago before Marilyn and I were separated thinking I hadn't suffered enough. I saw so many miserable lives around me who'd used their misery for good, that I … [Read more...] about Success Verses Failure
Great Week
Left for St. Helena last Sunday to visit with Ethel Ramos for a few days. Her youngest son, Jeff, and I had some great talks. We disagreed at times, but I'd say we agree on more than we disagree on. Our greatest agreement was on the teachings of Jesus. He's one of the few men I've found that sees Jesus' teaching the same as I do. Summed up, it's what Jesus said "The law … [Read more...] about Great Week
It’s a Wonderful Life
I can’t say that sleeping outside on my futon overnight is life changing, but it made me think how fortunate I was to have my swallows. They’ve been returning to my place for the last 5 or 6 years and because they eat 100 times their body weight in mosquitos, I don’t have any, or at least I didn’t think I did. And being unsure was unwilling to test the theory by laying … [Read more...] about It’s a Wonderful Life