Dancing QueenOriginally uploaded by stephenpasquini … [Read more...] about Dancing Queen
Shooting Hoops
Today I got a new basketball hoop and played with the neighbor girls, I sat on Dad's shoulders, I think we won, although Dad may have fudged the score some. I just spent two weeks with Grandma and Grandpa, it was soooo much fun, I love strawberrys. I think mom and dad left for a while but I am not sure, all I know is tha I miss Grandma and Grandpa very much. I can't wait for … [Read more...] about Shooting Hoops
Dance Dance Revolution
I am a walking machine. Many steps, and now I can even run away from mommy and daddy when they try to blow on my belly. I had a great weekend with grandma who came to visit and fill my day with plenty of hugs and kisses. Mommy and daddy surfed, and sailed, and seemed to have a whole lot of fun. But, always at the end of the day the give me big hugs and kisses and tell me they … [Read more...] about Dance Dance Revolution
Layla on the Swing
Growing Pains
9mth (give or take a week)I've got teeth!!!!! Well okay, just one tooth but its there and it took a lot of hard work to get it too. Mom and Dad didn't even see it coming. Showed up on Tuesday July 1st. Mom was so excited she ran me around the house showing it off to everyone. I don't really know what the big deal is. The next few days were the toughest. It really hurt. I … [Read more...] about Growing Pains