Sometimes I have a perspective problem. I start staring down a tunnel and begin to loose track of the big picture. It is nice to be snapped out of this, sometimes it takes an outside force. People give me a bad time for liking Joel Osteen, but on my ride today in my car I listened to his weekend sermon called "Having the right perspective". I almost turned it off in the … [Read more...] about A little Perspective
Time Explored
It has been 6 years since I began working as a Physician Assistant. I actually still can’t believe it, when the NCCPA sent me a letter reminding me that I had to recertify and take my boards I figured they must have miscalculated, yet it is true, I have been working 6 years in the field, and am 6 years older I suppose as well. On this date, we as PA’s have to recertify, it … [Read more...] about Time Explored
Working on Being
Today I experienced so many different emotions, I am struggling with the concept of attachment. Yes, the idea of letting go. I am realizing as I go through life that attachment to things is often one of my greatest obstacles. I am also realizing that one way to let go is to never “let in” in the first place. My mom took me for a spin in her beautiful new car tonight, … [Read more...] about Working on Being
July 12-13
These are just some thoughts that I scribbled down on our last vacation, I didn’t have internet access so I decided to piece it together now and over the next couple days: It's difficult sometimes trying to raise a 2 year old, heck it is difficult enough trying to raise myself. We have to learn to deal with difficulties in our lives, maintain composure in the face of conflict … [Read more...] about July 12-13
Two rows back at the Kuumbwa Jazz Center, it was truly magical, here is my favorite track of the night from her new album, take a listen and imagine your life, in an airstream trailer, this is the way life should be. Thanks to my sister and pat for the great night out and thanks to miss Shelby Lynne for the old school country blues. I wish it didn’t have to end. … [Read more...] about Shelby