Haven’t written in quite some time. Probably because I am spending most of my waking hours in the evenings glued to the likes of downhill skiing and short track speed skating. I absolutely love the winter Olympics. The idea that people spend years of their lives in pursuit of an Olympic medal, that encompasses often only minutes or seconds of actual competition, is to me mind … [Read more...] about Time
God’s Hands
My dad wrote this to me in an e-mail today and I thought it was just wonderful: “Life is like a roller coaster after all. There are some calm periods, some turbulent ones, and some very turbulent ones. But you know, if you're brave, you can do the whole ride with your hands in the air. God is our safety belt that keeps us from flying out.” I like the part about riding the … [Read more...] about God’s Hands
Objects of attachment
I was thinking tonight, about that pillar of Buddhist philosophy in regards to attachment and suffering. I got home from work tonight and before returning home drove up to watch the break at cowell beach under the stars. A fog was coming in and it smelt amazingly good. I took a couple deep breaths and really felt very peaceful. I should do this more often I thought, then got in … [Read more...] about Objects of attachment
Scan baby Scan
I was thinking the other day, as the Congressional leaders respond to the recent terrorist attacks by implementing full body scanners and pat downs, that this may be just what we need in combination with our new health care bill. Forget about a government option. For your next physical just book a ticket on Jet Blue Airlines. You will get a free fully body scan, have your … [Read more...] about Scan baby Scan
The origin of suffering is attachment.
This is the second noble truth of Buddhism, I thought it was as it say’s it is: NOBLE! The origin of suffering is attachment to transient things and the ignorance thereof. Transient things do not only include the physical objects that surround us, but also ideas, and -in a greater sense- all objects of our perception. Ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our mind is … [Read more...] about The origin of suffering is attachment.