There is a phenomenon titled loss aversion, we humans will hold onto things for extended period of times, often not because we need them or that they necessarily enrich our lives in any measurable way, but because they have become ours and simply because they are ours. We have gained an emotional attachment to them, they both go up in value to us (in relation to the value … [Read more...] about Ownership, Religion, Loss Aversion, and Predictable Irrationality
The World As I See It
My post will for today will be a look at the wisdom of Albert Einstein"The World As I See It" … [Read more...] about The World As I See It
Who raises Who?
I was looking at our daughter play the other day, and I was having another one of those reflective moments. I was thinking back to the last two years, I was seeing all of her growth, but failing to see my own. In this moment, as I contemplated the blessings and sacrifices that come with child-rearing I began to ask the question "Who Layla has been raising who"? And my … [Read more...] about Who raises Who?
So much for my six blogs
well, at least I wrote three. I guess someday I will finish my Peru blogs. it was a nice night for a walk tonight, the air was cool and the sun was out. We ate huge burritos at Taqueria Vallarta, and Layla made googly eyes at the couple in the seat next to us. We strolled along the wood walkway down at the marsh, and it felt good to be out for an evening stroll. It was a … [Read more...] about So much for my six blogs
n Retrospect: 6 blogs, in 10 (or more) days. …. #3
ohhhh the smell of tea in the morning. I never thought I would say this, but, when their is a mucus icicle dangling gingerly from the tip of your nose, a hot pot of water and a sip of tea makes everything better. The final hike into the city of Aguas Calientes was easy. We didn't get on the trail till about 9am, I woke to shoot photos of the small town that existed just down … [Read more...] about n Retrospect: 6 blogs, in 10 (or more) days. …. #3