so that is the day I first posted in this blog, October 3, 2005, I wrote a response to my sister turning 30, I have written 224 entries since that time. I realized I have not had nearly as many self actualization's this year (I was reading through some of my older entries). I am trying to figure out why that is and can only think it is because having a child make your brain … [Read more...] about October 3 2005
Love in an Obama Nation!
from this Bush's Inauguration 2001to thisand thisand thisHOPE! Enough Said … [Read more...] about Love in an Obama Nation!
Rainy day blues
It rained all weekend, we hardly left the house. We took a wonderful walk on west cliff on Saturday, it was rainy and stormy and the ocean was having it's way with the beaches and cliffs. I am mentally tired, for various reasons, it is funny how life presents itself, but who are we to be too concerned over it's various distractions. They key is that we live for the right … [Read more...] about Rainy day blues
Socialized Financialism
"If your going to socialize financial risk, it isn't a big intellectual leap to conclude that the same ought to be done for health care" Michael Sesit on bloomberg.comI still have my boxers a bit frazzled by the bailout, and even more so seeing smart, well informed liberals like my dad believe that Bush and his cronies in their last great move in the white house would ever do … [Read more...] about Socialized Financialism
A busy weeks end
It is 12:30 pm, I didn't get home from work tonight till almost 10pm. It was a long but satisfying day, and as always I am look forward to the weekend but am satisfied as to how the week decided to pan out. I am disappointed to see congress pass the 700 billion dollar budget. Maybe I am wrong about this, who knows maybe the entire economy would have collapsed. But I have to say … [Read more...] about A busy weeks end