5mths 2wks 3daysWght 14lbs 5ozFoods Tried so fare: Apple, Banana, Yam, Avocado, Rice cereal, Potato (all good so fare except the cereal)Favorite meals: Lunch, don't like breakfast.Just wanted to give everyone and update since I last wrote. I'm sitting amazingly well now. I went to New Mommy group today and I showed off. I love to sit. It's a whole new world out there … [Read more...] about Sitting Around Town
Playing Ball
here is some video of my new obsession … [Read more...] about Playing Ball
Skating around
Exercise with baby … [Read more...] about Skating around
Skating in the ol’ days
Watch the Video … [Read more...] about Skating in the ol’ days
Sporty Layla
5mths, 2wks, 2dayswght: 13.8 two weeks ago.Mile Stones: sitting up pretty well, holding my own bottle, eating solids (a little), mastered rolling from tummy to back, Completely obsessed with my Toes! Stranger anxiety.Nick Names: Sweet Chunks, Freddy, and Chewy ( from Star Wars)Hobbies: Toes, Swinging, Ball, hanging upside downTime is going by so fast and I'm growing even … [Read more...] about Sporty Layla