Our President makes me continuously ashamed to be an American. I love this country and want to believe that what we stand for is freedom and equality. That we above all hold true that ALL men are created equal and that we will help everyone achieve their God given potential through all means possible. I of course as a health care provider am concerned and personally affected … [Read more...] about SCHIP and he who cannot be named!!
The Canadian View: From a post in Rotten Tomatoes in regards to Sicko
The way we see it in CanadaPost #1CanadaView Seedling--------------------------------Joined: Jul 2007Posts: 4 There is a lot of mis-information in the US about the Canadian health care system. There was a lot about this in the film. The politicians stating that you can't choose your own doctor, long wait times, no choices - it sounded like a nightmare.In fact, you can … [Read more...] about The Canadian View: From a post in Rotten Tomatoes in regards to Sicko
Lulu’s 8:58 am
Wow, I am proud of myself, I actually woke up early enough to do something with my life today. I have found myself in this "drone" stage. I just can't seem to pull together a lot of energy to do much of anything useful. I was watching the age of love last night, which I know is bad TV but I still couldn't help myself. Anyway I was looking at Mark Phillipusus (or however you … [Read more...] about Lulu’s 8:58 am
The Pinto and the Lexus
In response to my dad's comments: I find it interesting that people, especially poor people often side with the logic of the wealthy class. It's as if siding with them will make them part of the club, maybe this is the reasoning. Or maybe the propaganda of the Insurance companies who rake in so much dough on Americas misfortune have done the same thing the Bush administration … [Read more...] about The Pinto and the Lexus
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 (REVISED ENTRY)
This is the revised entry that I edited for a previous post dated April 12, 2006 titled: Administrators. It has been revised in it's original location, I am placing it here as well, as it is my entry for today. As for the previous entry, It has served it's time, and like many a fleeting thought will be forever just that. NEW POST: I deleted this entry on 7-29-07. I have … [Read more...] about Wednesday, April 12, 2006 (REVISED ENTRY)