The California Academy of Pa's wrote me regarding Gov. Schwarzenegger's Bill proposal regarding health care, this was my response.Dear CAPA,I finally joined the state organization because you are right I believe as well as you do power does come in numbers, I also believe that the best health care plan comes with a commitment to also treat the most numbers, and the plan that … [Read more...] about Belay
Children of Men
I watched Children of men last night... it was about a future where in 2012 the last baby is born. for some reason or another humans are no longer capable of reproducing. It was only an OK movie (despite the great reviews) but it did get me thinking about the meaning of hope!!! of course in the movie all hell breaks loose as people loose the foresight of future generations. I … [Read more...] about Children of Men
A Tribute to Teachers
A teacher gives hope to those who have none, simply by believing in a person who no one else believes in, by seeing potential in a child who hates himself, by instilling values of love, and an eagerness to learn, by being there when the world has failed him. Our teachers are my heroes! Without the respect that money brings, they find happiness in the joy of what they do. They … [Read more...] about A Tribute to Teachers
OneCareNow Video
It is time we support universal health care in this country! if we can support a useless war and all its associated spending how can be not support our greatest risk to our national security? … [Read more...] about OneCareNow Video
Barack to fix the Baroken America!!
Via: VideoSiftAmericas Next President, if Americans could only have the guts to make great change. I hope!This is the Charlie Rose interview. … [Read more...] about Barack to fix the Baroken America!!