28wks, 4days
wght? Mom says Heavy but there’s no proof other than sore Mommy and Daddy Backs
May 1st! Time is flying by and so much has happened, I’ll just have to try and play catch up.
The wedding was lots of fun and everyone thought I was cute. I got to stay up past my bed time and slept in a real San Francisco bathroom. Very acoustic when I cried.
April 19th: My first word; Da Da. Mom’s a little hurt I can tell but I don’t know why. Not really sure what it means, but Mom and Dad got really excited when I said it and I can’t stop. About the same time I started to get in the crawling position. Haven’t gone anywhere yet, but I’m building my core muscles up. I can know spin myself in circles by rolling over both ways to reach anything I want and right now I’m profecting the butt schooch .
I’ve been clapping my hands for two weeks now too and probably for a week now I know what I’m doing! I can copy someone and do it on demand sometimes.
I like food now too, for the last two weeks. Washing my hands afterwards is still funner than eating, but I’m exploring so many more tastes. My favorite is pancakes because I get to feed myself. I don’t get much in my mouth yet,but I’m trying really hard.
Mom found my giggle spot and she can’t get enough. It’s under my arm pits. Shhhh , don’t tell too many people. I laugh and giggle so hard. I also laugh at funny faces and funny noises this week.
Mom’s still working on my sleep. Sometimes I can fall asleep on my own, but I still really like warm Mommy milk or a Daddy shoulder before drifting off to sleep. My naps are getting longer though. Almost 2hrs in the morning and sometimes again in the afternoon.
Day Care is going well. I won’t tell Mommy, but I reallly like it. I have friends my age there to play with and some older babies to inspire me. I can almost pull myself up on the big blocks there. If I could just get my legs to push up I know I could do it.
Now if they would only make baby wet suits I would start my surfing expeditions.
Till later, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada
(Translation: Have a fun filled Day!)