I was thinking the other day, as the Congressional leaders respond to the recent terrorist attacks by implementing full body scanners and pat downs, that this may be just what we need in combination with our new health care bill. Forget about a government option. For your next physical just book a ticket on Jet Blue Airlines. You will get a free fully body scan, have your … [Read more...] about Scan baby Scan
The origin of suffering is attachment.
This is the second noble truth of Buddhism, I thought it was as it say’s it is: NOBLE! The origin of suffering is attachment to transient things and the ignorance thereof. Transient things do not only include the physical objects that surround us, but also ideas, and -in a greater sense- all objects of our perception. Ignorance is the lack of understanding of how our mind is … [Read more...] about The origin of suffering is attachment.
Drunk on Happiness
Stephen, this is a great posting. It is very insightful, especially the fact that the best things in life are free. They truly are and we don't appreciate it enough. I didn't find the Woody Allen quote depressing at all. He says that the way we deal with things is through creativity, or at least some of us do. He even tells us why people watch a lot of … [Read more...] about Drunk on Happiness
I couldn’t of said it better myself, so I won’t
I am finally warming up. The water was so cool and crisp today, the afternoon sun felt so good, and paddling into this perfect surf, reminded me just how good life can be. I felt blessed today; drunken happiness, the feeling of being surrounded for 2 weeks by such loving and supportive family, my mom, dad, cousins, and mother and father in law. Our daughter too, is so … [Read more...] about I couldn’t of said it better myself, so I won’t
Kissing Slugs
Henry Cowell Park, originally uploaded by stephenpasquini. I read this quote today: “Life is what happens while we’re busy making other plans”. It was in this essay I was reading about patience. So today, Wendy and I decided to take Layla and ourselves to Henry Cowell state park. Which is only about 15 minutes from our house down highway 9 in Santa Cruz. We had never been … [Read more...] about Kissing Slugs