I sent the following letter to the editors of our local papers including the Sacramento Bee. The terrible stories circulating about President Obama made me think of the story of Chicken Little, a story we all learned in elementary school. Chicken Little was in the woods and an acorn fell on her head. She was so scared that her trembling caused her feathers to fall out. She … [Read more...] about Chicken Little and President Obama
Writing My Life #6
Meeting Coretta Scott King I was working with one of my high risk students in 1988 when I suddenly felt nausea and pain in my chest. I mentioned it to the student and stopped to take a few deep breaths. The pain went away within a few minutes, the day ended, I went home and took a nap, walked to the racket club, played racquetball and walked back home. Just … [Read more...] about Writing My Life #6
Time Explored
It has been 6 years since I began working as a Physician Assistant. I actually still can’t believe it, when the NCCPA sent me a letter reminding me that I had to recertify and take my boards I figured they must have miscalculated, yet it is true, I have been working 6 years in the field, and am 6 years older I suppose as well. On this date, we as PA’s have to recertify, it … [Read more...] about Time Explored
July 12-13
These are just some thoughts that I scribbled down on our last vacation, I didn’t have internet access so I decided to piece it together now and over the next couple days: It's difficult sometimes trying to raise a 2 year old, heck it is difficult enough trying to raise myself. We have to learn to deal with difficulties in our lives, maintain composure in the face of conflict … [Read more...] about July 12-13
Two Wolves
Just a note before I tell the story of the two wolves. I mentioned yesterday that I was among the first 500 VISTA Volunteers in 1965 and now there have been over 170,000. I found this story online so can’t take credit for it. Two Wolves An elderly Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life… He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me, it is … [Read more...] about Two Wolves