I sent the following letter to the editors of our local papers including the Sacramento Bee.
The terrible stories circulating about President Obama made me think of the story of Chicken Little, a story we all learned in elementary school.
Chicken Little was in the woods and an acorn fell on her head. She was so scared that her trembling caused her feathers to fall out. She yelled, “Help! Help! The sky is falling. I must go and tell the king!”
So Chicken Little headed off to see the king and ran into Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey. Each time she met one of them she told them, “Help! Help! The sky is falling.”
Each in turn asked her how she knew. She replied. “I saw it, I heard it, and part of it hit my head.”
Finally, she and the others ran into Foxy Loxy. They told Foxy their story and Foxy, being Foxy said, “I see. Follow me, and I’ll take you to the king.”
So they all followed Foxy Loxy through the woods. He led them into his den, and they never had a chance to tell the king that “the sky is falling.”
I find it ironic that the villain of this story is Foxy Loxy. Good stand in for FOX News.