So I was reading a blog by one of my favorite philosophers and bloggers Tim ferris, during my lunch break at work. He had a guest writer who when discussing a stoic philosopher (Seneca) had this to say:
“Comfort is the worst kind of slavery because you’re always afraid that something or someone will take it away.”
What a beautiful statement.. when I read this I realized this pretty much summed it all up for me, my anger at the economic situation, my fear and resentment of the current housing situation etc… etc. etc… whine whine whine… This is the root of it, and as I re-read this statement over and over I realize that Americans have become slaves in some ways to to our own economic prosperity. Seneca was an adviser to Nero, who was one of the last Roman Emperor’s I believe, he supposedly would spend several days a month living in poverty, to put himself “face to face with want” he said, you’ll ask yourself “Is this what I used to dread?
he goes on to say:
Emotions like anxiety and fear have their roots in uncertainty and rarely in experience.
comfort is the worst kind of slavery?
words to live by? I will have to think more about this one!
One thought, I think living in poverty for a couple days a month would make you fear it more. It’s better to be stoic and accept what is at the moment rather than what might be. We need to enjoy and appreciate our comfort and do something for those who do not have such comfort. It sounds so simple doesn’t it?
The saying, “Let go and let God,” is a good one. We need to put trust in a power greater than ourselves. That’s why man needs God in whatever way they want to define him or her. So I end with a God bless you and I love you. What more could you want?