It seems like everyone is worried now a day’s about their work being unrightfully shared. And in fear they sit, afraid to do anything, afraid that their work will be copied without their permission.
But I think it is like this:
There is only one original of every Picasso painting the rest are all prints. But with each print we are reminded just how beautiful and original his work really is. And even if you didn’t know who painted it you would still appreciate it. If someone lied and said they painted it, it would eventually come back to haunt them. And even then Picasso has nothing to fear because well… he is Picasso.
The truth is all these people who are afraid of piracy and copyright are probably just mediocre anyway. Otherwise they wouldn’t be so afraid, because they would know that their stamp of greatness would be on it regardless. And if your art is that good, It will originate and die with you!
I agree with you. You’ve hit the nail on the head. The big thing is that the copies are usually bought and sold. Someone makes money on them.