When I think about my discussions with my conservative friends, I often think of the Dialogues of Plato in which Plato matches wits with other men. Several characters argue a topic by asking questions of each other. I’m going to begin The Dialogues of Duke. They can be found at www.dukerone.blogspot.com
Over the years, I’ve exchanged e-mails with my conservative friends and while reading someone’s blog or a book the other day, the idea came to me that Duke’s Blog could be dedicated to that. I write for a couple others including my blog on writing, www.jakesgold.com .
My goal would be to post at least twice a week. Once on Sunday and once on Thursday. We’ll see how it goes.
I’ll be carrying on these dialogues with a fictitious character by the name of Alex.
Technorati Tags: political discussion,hypocrites,conservatives,liberals,right wing,left wing,diaogues of Duke,politics
Dad, I have always thought of you as Plato!