I am watching the Republican Convention and now watching governor Palin give her speech. She is impressive, she is well spoken and convincing. In fact I can say that about most of the Republican speakers, well of course besides the president. But as I watch my blood pressure still rises. She talks about Obama’s Tax raises, never mentioning that they effect only the top 1% of the country. She talks about offshore oil drilling never mentioning how in 1969 an oil spill devastated the California Coastline that caused president Nixon to place the ban on drilling in the first place.1969 Oil Spill – Summary Articles and Images The republicans used the hurricane to try to show how they “cared” about the American people. PS… Make sure you have your hurricane during and election year. They continue to talk about how they define life, and how they have prevented threats to America, yet the true threat of lost healthcare, poverty, home loss, and a war and world policy that has created more fear and loss that truly define threat. The republicans have a strong ticket to back selfishness and I am amazed at how many people back it. This election is not about black or white, women or war veterans, it is about Americas ability to part with it’s selfish consumerism, it ability to seperate from self centered society that does not put “America First” as republicans call it but “Americans first”. So yes, Republicans Drill Baby Drill, Eat drink and be merry.. for tomorrow we die!!!
This is so well written I could have written it. (Yeah right!!!) You hit the nail on the head and said it very well. I’m impressed because you gathered some facts on the California oil spill. I definitely like the line which should be used by the Obama campaign. It shouldn’t be put American First but Americans First. That sums it up all right there.
I personally thought Palin sounded like a high school girl running for student body office, but maybe I’m just prejudice against unqualified candidates.