I think this is good, I wonder how many other people have modified the p90x routine for an injury!
I think this is good, I wonder how many other people have modified the p90x routine for an injury!
P Nicesays
My right foot is nearly identical to yours! Whats most frustrating is that each so-called “professional”: MD, Podiatrist, Orthopedist, tells you something different and none of them seem to have the right answer! I’ve spent over $1000 on orthotics, downed countless pills of Daypro, suffered through cortizone shots, and I’ve come to the realization that the single best modality for improvement is weight loss.
Have you lost weight and noticed a big difference? I guess this is what we are wondering as well. Once the weight comes off what are the chances of returning to an active lifestyle and enjoying sports and activities like before. Much of the medical information we have read on this topic is vague at best, and as you have pointed out many of the commonly recommended modalities often leave you not only broke but in more pain.
Of course this is a common theme. Not once has a patient returned to my office after I have sent them for an orthopedic consult and said “Stephen the doctor gave me a weight loss plan for the arthritis in my knees.” But countless, surgeries and injections!This is just more proof that our medical system and our doctors (although I believe are well meaning) have lost faith in the bodies innate ability to heal itself. Let us know how it goes with your foot, I know Jennifer and I both would love to hear more about what you have done and how you are feeling.
Have you lost weight and noticed a big difference? I guess this is what we are wondering as well. Once the weight comes off what are the chances of returning to an active lifestyle and enjoying sports and activities like before. Much of the medical information we have read on this topic is vague at best, and as you have pointed out many of the commonly recommended modalities often leave you not only broke but in more pain.
Of course this is a common theme. Not once has a patient returned to my office after I have sent them for an orthopedic consult and said “Stephen the doctor gave me a weight loss plan for the arthritis in my knees.” But countless, surgeries and injections!This is just more proof that our medical system and our doctors (although I believe are well meaning) have lost faith in the bodies innate ability to heal itself. Let us know how it goes with your foot, I know Jennifer and I both would love to hear more about what you have done and how you are feeling.
P Nice, thank you for your comment. It’s really nice to hear that someone else out there has a similar experience. I, too, am finding that weight loss is helping. That, combined with low-impact exercise, has made a huge difference.
I would love to hear how you’ve lost weight and if, after the weight loss, you were able to return to more normal or higher impact activities.
P Nice, thank you for your comment. It’s really nice to hear that someone else out there has a similar experience. I, too, am finding that weight loss is helping. That, combined with low-impact exercise, has made a huge difference.
I would love to hear how you’ve lost weight and if, after the weight loss, you were able to return to more normal or higher impact activities.
P Nicesays
My right foot is nearly identical to yours! Whats most frustrating is that each so-called “professional”: MD, Podiatrist, Orthopedist, tells you something different and none of them seem to have the right answer! I’ve spent over $1000 on orthotics, downed countless pills of Daypro, suffered through cortizone shots, and I’ve come to the realization that the single best modality for improvement is weight loss.
I think this is good, I wonder how many other people have modified the p90x routine for an injury!
I think this is good, I wonder how many other people have modified the p90x routine for an injury!
My right foot is nearly identical to yours! Whats most frustrating is that each so-called “professional”: MD, Podiatrist, Orthopedist, tells you something different and none of them seem to have the right answer! I’ve spent over $1000 on orthotics, downed countless pills of Daypro, suffered through cortizone shots, and I’ve come to the realization that the single best modality for improvement is weight loss.
Have you lost weight and noticed a big difference? I guess this is what we are wondering as well. Once the weight comes off what are the chances of returning to an active lifestyle and enjoying sports and activities like before. Much of the medical information we have read on this topic is vague at best, and as you have pointed out many of the commonly recommended modalities often leave you not only broke but in more pain.
Of course this is a common theme. Not once has a patient returned to my office after I have sent them for an orthopedic consult and said “Stephen the doctor gave me a weight loss plan for the arthritis in my knees.” But countless, surgeries and injections!This is just more proof that our medical system and our doctors (although I believe are well meaning) have lost faith in the bodies innate ability to heal itself. Let us know how it goes with your foot, I know Jennifer and I both would love to hear more about what you have done and how you are feeling.
Have you lost weight and noticed a big difference? I guess this is what we are wondering as well. Once the weight comes off what are the chances of returning to an active lifestyle and enjoying sports and activities like before. Much of the medical information we have read on this topic is vague at best, and as you have pointed out many of the commonly recommended modalities often leave you not only broke but in more pain.
Of course this is a common theme. Not once has a patient returned to my office after I have sent them for an orthopedic consult and said “Stephen the doctor gave me a weight loss plan for the arthritis in my knees.” But countless, surgeries and injections!This is just more proof that our medical system and our doctors (although I believe are well meaning) have lost faith in the bodies innate ability to heal itself. Let us know how it goes with your foot, I know Jennifer and I both would love to hear more about what you have done and how you are feeling.
P Nice, thank you for your comment. It’s really nice to hear that someone else out there has a similar experience. I, too, am finding that weight loss is helping. That, combined with low-impact exercise, has made a huge difference.
I would love to hear how you’ve lost weight and if, after the weight loss, you were able to return to more normal or higher impact activities.
P Nice, thank you for your comment. It’s really nice to hear that someone else out there has a similar experience. I, too, am finding that weight loss is helping. That, combined with low-impact exercise, has made a huge difference.
I would love to hear how you’ve lost weight and if, after the weight loss, you were able to return to more normal or higher impact activities.
My right foot is nearly identical to yours! Whats most frustrating is that each so-called “professional”: MD, Podiatrist, Orthopedist, tells you something different and none of them seem to have the right answer! I’ve spent over $1000 on orthotics, downed countless pills of Daypro, suffered through cortizone shots, and I’ve come to the realization that the single best modality for improvement is weight loss.