I received the following in my e-mail today and I thought it had a lot to say so I present it here to stir up some thought. Jesus said that the law and the prophets could be summed up in two commandments: 1. Love God and 2. Love your neighbor. He said that loving your neighbor is like the the first. I believe he said this because if we love our neighbor, we are loving God. Refer to my previous blog on Meeting Jesus in My RV.
“God, to me, it seems, is a verb, not a noun, proper or improper,” designer
and architect R. Buckminster Fuller once said. And it makes sense. As long
as we do our work honestly and not hurt others, what does it matter if we
believe in some invisible superman in the sky, who happens to have such a
fragile ego so as to condemn people for not believing in him, no matter
how good they might be?
Do the best job I can, not hurt our fellow beings on this planet, that’s my
religion. Here’s to verbs!
I believe this is the definition of morality! “As long as we do our work honestly and not hurt others”
I never thought of God as having an ego, but I like that idea because if God truly is all knowing then this email letter is right he would never condemn anyone for we are all created in God’s very own image and likeness. And every act we do would then be an act of God himself.. right?
No matter what we do we will stumble over our words and ideas if we try to “defend” our religion. We have been created to question, hence we question, we have been created to have faith, hence we get up out of bed every day. We have been created to possess the capacity to do horrible things, hence there is war and violence all around us, we have been created to love immensely, hence there is love and kindness all around us, we have been created hence we exist, we have no idea, how or why, we have only our existence and our consciousness of it. We all seem to know innately that for every question the answer is love “feels” perfectly human, and is in line with our idea of God. Therefore God as love seems like the solution. The rest is all just filling while we anxiously await the answer!
You are so wise my son. Jesus quoted the Old Testament one time and it said “Ye are Gods.” I’m not sure if it was a small or capital g. I once read a book by the same title and I enjoyed it, but lost it so can’t go back and read it. I got it from some traveling evangelists who came by my house and gave it to me. Must have been in God’s plan.
The biggest problem is that too many people want the power of God without the responsibility to do good. Because if God is love, then we have a responsibility to be loving.