I just finished the movie “Gone baby Gone”. It was an excellent film. I am watching the credits roll, the somber music the fire and my blankly. Because it is quiet the clock is ticking in the background and I am thinking about sleep it is a nice moment to write my thoughts on the day. The day was brilliant, culminated by a film that reminds me how precious life is. The movies premise is unique, I think it hits home now that I have child. The question about what is more important; that you have your family or that you have love. I think this is a good question, and one the movie explores exceptionally well. Since I don’t want to blow the entire premise of the film I will not elaborate. I must say though I will have something to think about on my drive to work this week.
I surfed today. I have said many times that when I am in the water I often feel my most at peace. Today was no exception. It is as if that wave when it comes is the hand of God itsel. I know this may sound funny. But I was thinking how the force of the water, the quite persistence of its movement, the cold, the quite, the sun, the seaweed, the breeze, the seagulls, the salt, the smell of ocean mist. It all comes together in one second, and when the wall of water appears, so naturally, so gracefully, it thrusts you foreword, it lifts me, and for a moment nothing else matters, just that feeling… it is exceptional.
I smile more now; Layla has brought that into my life. I smile just to see her smile. The way she curls her little right lip around her crooked toothless mouth. Her shiny golden red hair always catches every ray of sunlight, her bit of drool on her chin, her delight in all that is life. Her curiosity is boundless, oh if you could only see her expression when she gets to hold an empty cup. The way she cries even makes me smile, her voice is sweet, it is innocent, she embodies all that is good in this world!! And this is why we love little children. I know now that she fills me with love. Even those days where I may wonder if it is all worth it? She captures me in the moment, and I melt. I hope that we grow old together, I hope that I can be the kind of father she needs me to be.
My philosophy has run dry for the night. Maybe someday I will write something of value in this blog. But for now it will be my flutters of thought.
Don’t be too critical of yourself. What you write is of great value and filled with insights.