9mth (give or take a week)
I’ve got teeth!!!!! Well okay, just one tooth but its there and it took a lot of hard work to get it too. Mom and Dad didn’t even see it coming. Showed up on Tuesday July 1st. Mom was so excited she ran me around the house showing it off to everyone. I don’t really know what the big deal is. The next few days were the toughest. It really hurt. I just wasn’t myself, a little grumpy, cried easily and just wanted to be held a lot. The pearly white is the lower left front tooth. I hope the others don’t hurt as much.
No real signs of walking yet. I’m very content mastering crawling and getting from point A to point B as fast as I can. I still like chasing Waldo, but my new trick is spinning in circles on my bottom. I can go in both directions.
My new discovery is that the vaccume cleaner is a very scary thing. I don’t know why but I don’t like it. I can be happy one minute and very upset the next when it goes on. I think it wants to suck my little brains out.
We’re all going on a big trip tomorrow to Grandma and Grandpa B’s beach house. I’ve got my sand bucket packed and I’m ready to go. Mom and Dad keep kidding about strapping me to the roof. I sure hope there is room for me. I don’t think Aunt Jenn and Uncle Pat want me for two weeks. I’m not that cute.
Good Night
Layla, congratulations on your tooth. You must be proud. You must be looking forward to your trip and I know you’re going to be far better behaved than your parents expect. Enjoy your visit with Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Pat. Hope to see you at your great Uncle LeeRoy’s and Great Aunt Denise’s. I plan to go there if you do. Well, I might go there even if you don’t go. Haven’t seen them for awhile. I know they’d be excited to see you. Me too. Have a good and safe trip. God bless. Love you.