Ok, I guess my big sis isn’t going to tell the world about me so now that I’m 10wks old I guess it’s time to fend for myself. I was born March 16th weighing in at 9lbs 3oz and yes I’m still a big boy! I had my two month check up and I’m a wapping 13lb14oz. I’ve out beat my sis by almost 4lbs when she was my age. I guess Mom should have appreciated her “little baby” more, but I intend to be as big as I can be. I love all my night time snacks and as long as I’m little enough to get away with them I’ll just keep waking Mom up. I’ll have to let Layla know she should start writing again or I’ll take over her blog just like I intend to take all her toys as I grow. I will tell you this; She’s really getting the hang of the toilet. She even received her Poo Poo dress two days ago and I actually think she’s starting to like the idea about being a”Big Girl” now. Mom took her to the bike park the other day and she tried a “baby ramp”. Mom realized they don’t make knee and elbow pads small enough for her yet so the ramps will have to wait.
I love my big sis already. She’s a little crazy but very entertaining with her singing and dancing and bouncing off the walls at night. She says she want’s to share her room with me but I don’t think she knows what she’s talking about. Mom say’s soon enough, what ever that means. I personally like the hallway just fine and MOm says that I could use Layla’s club house as a bedroom. Not bad gigs, it’s small and cozy in there.
Got to go to bed now, I don’t feel so hot after all those shots and I can’t wait to wake up for a snack!