It’s late, just finished the 13 hour drive from Seattle to my chair here in Santa Cruz. I can’t believe how long it has been since writing an entry in my blog. Various reasons for this, I guess trying to find the right place and the right time. Much has happened over the last month. Funny to think that the writings in this blog could ever have more significance than the mundane ramblings of a rambling rambler………but I guess we all will have a moment where we are surprised to find someone is listening. Knowing this, made me wonder if I could ever find honesty and the same sense of peace I found before. I guess that is why I haven’t written. But when I got home tonight I found myself in the mood. I took a long swim, a hot shower and some warm taco bell, I watched the movie Mimi’s first time, a little unknown film that was interesting, and a bit overlooked……… but no Bubble. My family could appreciate this…..
profound in it’s honesty
profound in it’s ability to provide a glimpse of life in it’s unfiltered imperfection.
profound in the fact that most will criticise this film, because film is thought to be perfect only in a world where reality is not bound by gravity.
I can not imagine we are all not moved a bit when we see life portrayed on TV, in a way that helps us realize the day in and out grind of life is not something we all must endure alone. And in between all that is mundane are moments of such indescribable beauty. This is where life’s gifts become obvious.
This is where bubble begins
Maybe the title bubble is not only a reflection of the life of the characters in the film
but maybe it is a reflection of our own lives!!!
the bubble we create around ourselves
Watch the film and see beyond this bubble
we are all essentially the same, just limited by our inability to accept it!
How many tangents can one man have?
It’s late and I am headed to bed, more tomorrow I hope after sleep and this song end
Blogs are not journals. Keep this in mind. If you want to rant about things you don’t want others to read, write in a journal. Use the blog to express ideas you want others to read. Good luck. Use Daily Journal 3.0 to keep a journal. It sorts by topics you create and you can search it for your best ideas.
a blog is anything you want it to be, like a piece of art it is a reflection of you, I believe it is a place you let that out, feelings, thoughts, etc…. it is a place to explore our minds, and maybe on any given day that thought you shared may or may not find its way to someone who is affected by it, it could be a journal it could be a place for one word every day for 365 days until you make one sentence, hence the beauty, it is the choice of the reader if they wish to participate. for the writer it is simply and expression of oneself! Thanks for the reply..