We start out in life thinking that we’re awesome.
We can dance in public as 5-year-olds and not care what others think of us.
By the time we’ere adults, that’s been driven out of us.
- by peers
- by parents
- by the media
- by embarrassing situations
As adults, we doubt ourselves. We judge ourselves badly.
We are critical:
- of our bodies
- of ourselves as people
- of our lack of discipline
- of all our faults.
We don’t like our lives, and in the process we have lost that which makes us most human:
Our ability to be awesome!
We’re always awesome whether we know it or not. Of course having that believe makes it possible to be more confident in the things we do and say. Quite often at cardiac rehab, I’m told not to talk about certain issues because people might get mad. Says more about them than me, but our society has become that way.
Three of my old high school friends and I (1 conservative and two liberals, and 2 conservatives who got the e-mails but never responded) were carrying on some heated discussions until the conservative, of all people, said he no longer wanted to do it because there was too much name calling and no one was going to change anyone’s mind. He’s probably right on changing any conservatives mind.
The irony of all this is that the three liberals all served their country in some way. I worked as A Volunteer in Service to American in the War on Poverty and the other two were in the Air force. The three conservatives didn’t serve their country at all. They spent their time making money. Two of them went into the same field as their fathers and the other actually made it on his own.