I have spent tonight, instead of writing in my blog, enjoying those of my friend Jenn Sagel and my dad. I really enjoy this form of written word, and obviously others do as well, just look at the popularity of the blog and its ubiquity on the internet. I think in the upcoming years the power of the blog and the internet as a source of entertainment, news, combined with open discussion from people all over the world will be the great equalizer. We can all become commenter’s, on the internet we all have a voice. Just look at the top ranking posters on you tube. I think it is is a great thing. I can speculate that TV will be the medium that will become known as the bridge between the radio age and the age of the internet. Now that broadband will become fast and fiber optic we will no longer need to watch TV through a cable, it will be on demand and streamed over the internet which will be projected on an LED screen which we will be able to interact with in real time.
It is interesting I think that in todays age when we are so connected we all feel so alone. It is rare we talk to our neighbors or get to know the person who serves our coffee every day at the local mini mart. Just look at the despair Heath Ledger must of felt when he took his life last week. It is sad to think someone so young with such a future and many accomplishments would feel so isolated and alone. I find myslef often falling victim to such a mental demise. These are all lessons learned.
I hope that in the internet age where we will no longer be subject to force fed media that we will think and respond to things to enhance human reason and logic to enact law that is enlightened… which in my thinking means for the greater good of all….I hope this also transcends into politics. Maybe we can have a you tube president someday in the foreseeable future.
It is back to work tomorrow. I was busy today. My attitude has been a lot better the last few weeks. I mentioned an elastic band I have place around my wrist in a previous blog. This in an experiment in lifestyle design, an extension of the famous “complaint free world” that became so popular a couple years ago. The strict enactment of taking a bracelet and placing it on your wrist and changing it to the other side every time you make a complaint.
The ancient Sages of the east claim that it takes 21 day to enact permanent mental change. I am becoming a believer in mental mastery. It wasn’t until recently when I was analyzing my life that I realized I was rather negative a lot of the time. I have decided once and for all there is no place for this in my life. number 1: the deathbed principle. everyday I will wake and think about my impending death….. what is a greater motivator of life than appreciating it’s finality? number 2: my mantra: “think not what you can’t do but think of what you CAN do” number 3: my non negativity bracelet: no complaints, no negative thoughts… 21 days, if I can do this straight the bracelet comes off. After one week I am on day one… I have to say thought that every time I feel negatively creeping in I see my bracelet and I think about the negative thought. I put it out like a fire with water, and I feel the immediate cooling relief. There is something about identifying that fact, and knowing I can change it that gives me power over it. By replacing the negative with an equal and opposite positive (and usually much more realistic thought) I am changing the way my mind perceives and responds to problems. I think I can change, in fact I am beginning to believe I can… I will let you know how this progresses… then I will let you in on my 6 month journey that I began 3 weeks ago… that is if I have the guts.
Jen says
The power of positivity is amazing and can be contagious 😉 It is not always easy, but it makes life so much better. If people think it is easy to be upbeat and positive all the time, boy are they mistaken. It takes great mental stamina and and the ablitity to let things go. & it sure beats throwing your keys 😉 lol. Keep up the good work! I know you can do it.