saw Johnny Lang in concert tonight. How great he was! the spotlight, the music and power fo his voice, I was spellbound. I am sitting here listening to Sarah Mcloughlin play christmas music, it is relaxing. maybe the fall smell and the fall air is getting into me. I wrote a poem tonight after the concert check it out if you are so inclined. I love fall, I love everything about it, the cool crisp air, the colors, the changing of life around me. How can we not see God in this, it is all around us. Yet for others all around the world fall will be colder and darker, under bomb lit skies, I pray that they find peace tonight as well. I only ask that I find a way to use my life and the gifts given to me responsibly. How can we serve yet live to be served? It is hard to make sense of it all. It is late so I am off to bed. I write into open air, but for me air is better than nothing at all I guess.
Right, to be able to breath is a gift. I appreciate it more now after my heart failure. At least it wasn’t a failure of heart. As they say, “Don’t lose heart.”
I think too many people think God is there to run our lives when God is really there to help us through the tough times and the times where our egos get too big for us.
It’s taken me many years to realize this and I know it now. God gave us free will and he can’t interfere unless we ask Him to. And even then His will may not be our will. If not, we need to relie on our faith to get us through.