It is amazing to me how we get so wrapped up in a project so as to lose site of the big picture. It is outstanding that such small events can lead us down a road of frustration that makes us fatigued with worry. It is amazing how life’s little blurbs make us blog, how small little things make us worry, how the big picture takes on a life of its own when it hangs unframed. Life’s greatest challenge is not to lose focus of what is real. My earlier blog exposes how life is essentially different when it is being observed. Can you even imagine this, to think that particles of light react differently when being observed? My only question when looking at the video I had posted is, does light react this way when only seen by a camera, which would make me think that an electromagnetic field caused this or does this happen when seen by any observer even the human eye. I was floored when I saw this because if this is true that the mere observation of something changes its physical properties, means that there is no such thing as concrete behavior. This is seen in humans, but math is supposedly concrete, certain things have to behave in a certain way right? Maybe not. In fact just think how thinking about something differently can change an outcome. Smiling and waving at that guy in the car behind you honking and giving you the finger, changing your attitude about things when they don’t go your way. They are in many ways like the light experiment. It all depends on how you see it! I will try to sleep tonight with this in mind. And I will try to keep life’s complexities on hold. Thankful for the chance to experience them, thankful for the chance to affect the world around me, thankful to be an observer in life and a liver in Reality, whatever that is!!!
There are observations within us and observations we share. Shared observations send waves into the world not only into the one we tell and with whom they share, but also in the molecules of air that transmit the thoughts echoed through the vocal cords. They will be forever there. Is the same true of the thoughts in our head?
I believe that to measure something, you need to interfere with it in some way. So whether the eye or the machine, there is interference. In the eye, it’s the reflections of the light which is different when it reflects and returns to the eye than when it reflects to a wall. (I assume. Don’t know for sure.) This is very thought provoking.
I’m teaching myself physics and have only gotten through the first chapter. If I understand right, math is not exact. I’m reading about significant digits. In .002200 there are four significant digits because the two zeros at the end are considered significant even though they appear to tell us nothing except that the number is a close approximation of exact. In .0022, there are only 2 significant digits. The first two zeroes don’t count. It’s my understanding that this measurement is more exact than the other, but I’m not sure. Let me know.