It’s Mom and not Layla this time.
Life is full of poop, drool, vomit, and boggers for the average mom. I thought being a nurse was filled with bodily fluids, but running a house with two small kids and one cat; I can’t escape it! Layla proudly ran up the stairs to inform me she Pooped “A big one” as she calls all her poos. I checked her bottom, pretty clean so I just did a reinforcement. I was sorting through Lucca’s cloths (21/2 months and he’s already in 6mth-12th clothes) and Layla proudly comes up the stairs again and says, “I cleaned it up, will you clean my foot up now?” Oh no, where was the rest of it? There was only a little left on her foot! I hate my white carpet! Yes she tried to clean/wipe it up but you can only emagine what I found in the bathroom and the trail down the carpeted hall. I told myself, don’t get too upset, she’s learning and she did get most of it in her froggy toilet. I calmly let her know only Mommies clean things up.
The next morning I was opening up my sliding glass door and stepped into something smooth. Oh no! Waldo (cat) left her mark ounce again. I don’t know which end it came from this time but I’m sick of brown bodily stuff. I can’t get rid of the kids but the thought has passed with Waldo a time or two. She’s getting old though.
Lets add Lucca into the mix. He’s all of a sudden decided to be a drooly, spit upping baby. Not to mention multiple diaper changes, and oh did I mention he’s in cloth diapers so I get to play with it all over again come wash time.
One day I will retire and my life will be more than just a slave to everyone’s Poop!