Wow, I feel like I haven’t written here forever. Have been focusing all my time lately on my little internet project: creating my first niche site.
It has been such an amazing month. In fact I can’t believe all that has happened since my first posting and all the leads and wonderfully surprising things that have transpired.
Sometimes, I feel like I have this voice inside of me that is just dying to get out, and then one day it has a chance. You are talking talking talking, well you know, and nobody is listening. I found myself complaining a lot about the lack of movement in the world but felt helpless to make a significant difference.
Then one day, I get the guts, I decided to lay it all out there and forget about not succeeding. I stopped worrying about what it may mean to bring my creation to the masses in an infantile state, or before it had even come close to my idea of acceptable. And then I followed the trail.
What was amazing is that when you have an original idea people come to you.
That is how you know it is original or important or marketable. You do not have to seek out your tribe, they are there, and they will respond if someone takes the lead.
And with the internet it can happen rather quickly.
Without going into detail, much of what has transpired made me realize that although the internet and its millions of blogs may be the greatest hiding place for an introverted activist. It also is a great way to connect people with like minded ideas and then push a wonderful idea foreword at a pace that it may not have been able to reach without this level of connectedness.
this is a movement to transform people from passive consumers to active citizens who feel empowered to shape the world around them.
And part of this process has led me to feel safe in my ideas again. And with this has come a joy in living passionately through an idea or piece of work.
I am thankful for this, and can’t wait to see where it can take me.
The key, from what I have learned in my own life, is that there is never a shortage of ideas but it is the ability to move forward with your idea that may separate success from just another great idea without the power of energy to move it.
Either way, even if the idea does not go where you may have imagined, it will go somewhere, and often times it is the process that is the greatest value, more than the actual product.
I will keep you updated.
You’ve finally discovered the law success. It is this: You cannot be afraid to fail. Failure is necessary to success. The fact that Babe Ruth struck out more times than he hit home runs is an example of that.