I might as well label this blog “The Bad Mommy Blog” because of how little I write in it. Gone are the days of baby books, I thought this might be better and easier. I still have high hopes of making a baby book for my kids, but really; Does anyone really look at their own baby book? Most of them are half empty anyways. So, I’ll try and keep this up in hopes that when my daughter or son one day asks, “Mom, when did I first walk, crawl, get my first tooth?”, I might be able to look back and figure it out. We all do forget. Small mile stones that looked so big in the moments move onto bigger ones that fog the memory banks. Who will really read this stuff anyways? My husband ounce told me he read that we really only care about one generation back and I think this is true. How many times has our Moms and Dads rambled on about their Grandparents, aunts and uncles and we enjoy the story at the time but in the end we’d never be able to repeat the story or really claim it as our own. We are in the age of written history. Gone are the days of oral history. Sad really. This means instead of interacting with our elders and listening to them we are all on to the next TV show in the evening or looking at our Face Books page. What happened to sitting around the table in the evenings and truly listening to each other over a card or board game. Or just sitting in silence watching a fire, while mom knits or sews, children play blocks or do their homework, and Dad widdles or maybe plays his Fiddle for the nights entertainment while everyone joyously dances. I know this sounds a little “Little House on the Prairie”, but doesn’t everyone deep down want this when they think of family and joys of life?
Ok, enough rambling. On to the reason for this blog. My son is almost 4mths old and growing like a weed. My daughter keeps me fascinated and each day claims a new piece of independence. LJ (son) went for his first bike ride the two weeks ago. Dad strapped him in his car seat and then strapped him in again into the Burley trailer. He loved the long nap and we all enjoyed being on the bikes again as a family. He’s also grabbing more toys for himself, not sleeping through the night, getting distracted while breast feeding, loves the bath and shower, and likes to swing at the park with his sister. He also loved watching all the girls at his big sis’s ballet class. He’s getting really big and is already half his sister; weighing in at 15lbs! When we go for walks I put him in the stroller and carry LK on my back in the Ergo. It’s actually easier on my back, he falls asleep and LK enjoys talking to her mom and pointing out things at an adult level. A win/win situation.
LK has been sleeping in her big kid bed for two weeks now and it’s wonderful! Naps were a little ruff in the beginning but she’s getting a handle on the new independence. I often find her her passed out on the floor with her pillow and all her animals nestled in for an afternoon nap. I find her in interesting possitions. Ounce at night she was actually on her hands and knees out of the bed and he head in the bed. I’d love to put a hidden camera and see what actually goes on before she falls asleep. At night she’s only sleep walked twice. The second night of “Big girl Bed” I heard a pounding out in the hall at 4AM and she was ramming a truck into the wall over and over again. I gingerly guided her back to bed and she had no recollection of it in the morning. Another time I found her naked at the top of the stairs crying. I think she was tring to find the bathroom, because her diaper was full and I had to change the bedding. Very sad, but again no recognition in the morning. No more yells for Mooooooom in the morning to get her out of bed. So Mom and Dad have been able to sleep in a little more. Her 2yr old traits are: Everything comes in twos. “Two books, Two brownies, Two bowls of cereal, Two pieces of gum, Two turns at anything, Two songs at night” Does everything come in Threes when she’s 3? I guess we’ll find out this fall. Everything smells like Lemonade. I don’t know where this comes from as she really hasn’t had lemonaide, but everything from poop to rose bushes when asked smells like “Lemonaide!”. Potty training has been ok. I”m not a fan of Pull-ups because it’s really just Lazy Me when we are out and about. The adventures of public restrooms I have not yet dominated. I really think I’ll potty train LJ before he’s hit the Nooooo stage. She enjoyed the fireworks last night after sitting in the house for a while listening to the booms. Ounce we finally got her outside it was hard to tear her away from them. Late night last night 1000PM bedtime and thank God she has discovered the art of sleeping in! It’s 940AM and I still haven’t heard a stir!
As for me, I’m dreading going back to work in August some days and others I can’t wait. I’ve discovered the Love of a Serger sewing machine and have made a cute dress out one of my old dresses for LK. I get to pack for a long Road trip to my parents beach house and am boggled by how we will all fit in the car with another child. We’ll figure it out some how.