I was reading an interesting blog the other day by Sean Ogle who writes location 180. For some reason I have been reading all these blogs lately by interesting people who have taken their lives and their businesses all around the world. They have left the mainstream to pursue an “unorthodox” existence. Maybe it is the unorthodoxy that excites me, maybe it is the travel, the adventure the constant change, and the amount of growth I figure one can experience when being faced by new and interesting challenges day in and day out. Or maybe it is a bit of vicarious living I am not sure. Regardless of the cause I came across his bucket list and thought, what the heck is my bucket list, and then upon further thought I was beginning to wonder if I even have one any more. This is the funny thing about having kids all of a sudden your bucket is more like a well, in which other people come and dip their buckets. This I see as a good thing, but it had me thinking that I need to maybe sit down this weekend and come up with a list of goals that I want to accomplish before I die. These were well defined in college, and I am happy to say I have achieved many of them, even the joy of working in a small community health center where I get the chance to engage with the worlds most beautiful people day in and day out, for this I am blessed and grateful to love my job.
Off topic again I go… Ok, Anyway, I am realizing that I find myself in my “quarterlife” (ok actually more like 0.42% life) crisis. Actually I have been here for he past 2 years in all honesty, but nonetheless, I am starting to come out of it with a renewed sense of well being, and in light of all my deep introspection (too much I think) that it is time to get my self together and make a good list, because I think lists are what organized people with good goals should make right? So this weekend I am going to make my bucket list of all the things I want to do before I die. Warnings to my wife and children you too may be involved.
You need to make your list with Wendy. Have one list for both of you and then a list for each of you in which the other can agree or disagree. Marriage means partnership. I’m sure you understand this, but it never hurts to have your dad remind you.
I think that is a rather good idea, I think it would be a much better thing to do together actually and it would make a fun activity. In fact maybe that is what all couples should do, make a list of their goals and post it somewhere so they can make a note of it on occasions. For once dad you actually had a good idea (smile)….