I made this comment on the blog of Robin Sharma who wrote one of my favorite books: “the monk who sold his Ferrari” . here is the link to his blog entry if you want to read it first
It is a good entry. I find him full of wisdom and he is able to tear away the skin off the orange “both literally and symbolically”. This is a comment on my day maybe, maybe a reflection of the places and the lives of those less fortunate with whom I serve. my goal for 2009?? place myself in the shoes of these wonderful, hardworking people, work harder for the poor and those without basic human rights, dedicate time to becoming truly bilingual in Spanish, become a better husband and dad, make a few good friends, thank my sister for always being so cool, and my mom and dad for trying to get along (at least sometimes), try to have a better relationship with my brother in law, make my daughter laugh each day, take things a little less seriously, listen more, talk less….. and maybe once and for all I should try to go to bed by 11pm…. (maybe I will save that for 2010).. Here is my comment to the above blog
Good Afternoon, I was reading your blog after a long day at work and reflecting. I too like many of your commenter’s love what you have to say about life, I read the Monk who sold his Ferrari 3 times, and it is one of my favorite books. It is funny how sometimes the right book finds its way into your life at the right time. But I have to say, I heard a person make a comment one time how those who say life is not all about money usually are the ones who have plenty of it. And, after working 12 hours in a community health center today, working with those living on the brink of homelessness, many who themselves would also benefit from your words of wisdom. They will never be able to see it in the light that it may deserve, simply as an effect of where they fell on this earth. A product of life’s many sadness’s, being repeated molested as children, growing up in broken homes, having parents in and out of jail, Parents who drink, who hit them, who hate them. Their schools are closing, unemployment is hurting them, they are losing healthcare and finding it hard to find hope, beyond the local gang that may offer them some protection from life’s even scarier propositions. It is then beautiful to picture you walking in that snowy day, peeling that perfectly shaped fruit. Pondering the greater meaning of life and how money is not the path to happiness. I too have had many a moment like these and value them equally. But today I realize as well that we who stroll, and read, and ponder, and denounce money are the ones who have the warmth of home, family, and security in our lives. For me this 2009, and for all your readers I hope that instead of denouncing money as the evil, we see it too as the seed to happiness, not to ours, not for great possessions, bigger cars or in the case of your book Ferraris, but as the path to which we may help others have the basic necessities that allow them too to take long walks in the snow and ponder that perfect fruit. Because unfortunately the majority of the people in this world will not have that luxury!! Thank you for your Peaceful spirit Mr. Sharma!
I’m pleased to see you pondering the great wonders of our time. Maybe you’ll write a book and do it better than Thomas Freeman. I’ll write fiction and you’ll write non-fiction. There is probably much you could write about related to your work. You might consider reading on tape or whatever, The Road Less Traveled by F. Scott Peck or his other book, The People of the Lie. Peck is a psychiatrist and he wrote about evil and the various things he experienced, You could do the same. Just sit down and write a little each day as reflections about your day and the book will be completed in no time.
Pat seems like this is a problem across all platforms, I have noticed the same thing with the 4 Hour Body as well. You literally have to study the book and then organize the workout routine or you are bound to get lost in the details!
Pat seems like this is a problem across all platforms, I have noticed the same thing with the 4 Hour Body as well. You literally have to study the book and then organize the workout routine or you are bound to get lost in the details!
Well, I may be overweight, but the one thing I’ve done all my life is stretch after reading Be Young with Yoga. So I’m fairly flexible for an old man and it’s kept me from shrinking and my spine from compressing and who knows what else. Live is a 24/7 thing and we have some good and bad days all our lives. I guess the secret is not let the bad days keep us from having a lot more good ones.