I have been all over the place today in the space of my townhouse. Seems like there are a billion things I can dream of doing on my days off. And yet it never seems that at the end of my 3 days I have accomplished nearly enough. I watched Good Night and Good Luck with George Clooney tonight. It was a good movie, I spent the whole day playing the guitar, teaching myself more of flash and Photoshop and dreaming of ways I can use these arts to create something completely interactive, with art in mind and visually attractive as well. I sometimes don’t know why I am interested in all this. I came to the conclusion today that it is purely my need for creativity that drives me to do this. But I also realized that in order to be brilliantly creative you have to understand your tools, and for me I am just so interested in all the tools. Work this week was tough, I saw my 86’Th patient of the week late Saturday night and was so exhausted all I could think about was that couch. Managed to make it to the gym today, and thinking of taking a drive to
Hermitude, are you not making up new words in your hermitude. Seems like your feelings are a part of our every day life. Even in my retirment I feel like there isn’t enough time or I waste too much of it. Getting a good night’s sleep has helped me considerably, but the first meds (Cozazepam) left me droggy until noon so I changed to Tamazepam 15 mg which is like not taking anything. It doesn’t make me sleepy and I awaken at the same I did when I didn’t take it. So I doubled it and it’s exactly the same. I’m beginning to wonder if they gave me a placebo. I have not felt droggy though and seems like I feel better with a little less sleep.