Here’s an example. One of them sent a rant poem talking about immigration and how they receive welfare, live off social security etc. I’m not sure this happens that often, but I’m sure some do get welfare and get social security, but I’m sure it’s a small number. But it’s not this I chose to argue against.
The fact I chose was that the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency from 2000 to 2006 and didn’t do a damn thing about immigration, so it was time they stopped their belly aching.
The other thing to consider is that since the U.S. is at zero population growth, we need new and younger workers to contribute to social security so the current workers can have social security when they are ready to retire. We can do this by legally importing immigrant workers as well as giving amnesty to those who are already here. It will solve the Social Security problem by supply a ready supply of younger workers as well as consumers.