Has been a while since I dropped a line in my blog, felt uninspired to do so, but today sitting here enjoying a quite night with my laptop, a cup of coffee and a candle, and some new James Blunt and Kt Tunstall playing in the background. All and all a great night, well if it weren’t for this bit of a cold I have. But as always could be worse, Wendy is growing, and so was our TV. Which was this weekend’s adventure; I probably totaled 80 hours trying to find the right TV for our living room. In the scheme of things this seems like an extremely superficial and dare I say ridiculous waste of life’s precious times, But as I was indulging in this I was thinking about how simply American this all was, I could be using my time campaigning for Obama, but instead I am out shopping for a 40-42 inch lcd TV in which to waste more of my times waking hours. But then at times I think about what else I could be doing, and I don’t know maybe spinning ones wheels isn’t all that bad. I mean really is this not life? Well at least for the typical American.
So after 3 returns we have made a decision, I am happy…. I think!! (Smile)
My little baby is growing, it is moving, there are little feet poking out of Wendy’s stomach. Little feet that God only know where they will walk, what obstacles they will face, what goals they will have, what color hair, or what kind of life’s experiences. How beautiful, how simple, how strange to sit and watch something like life grow inside my wife. Which may I add is the toughest and most beautiful pregnant woman on the planet!! To be honest I feel like shopping for the TV was more work. And doesn’t that just sum up a man’s take on it.
I was bummed to find out my dad lost his coaching position. I felt for him. But, he should never feel like a failure. He has lived by the virtue of placing himself out there to try and attempt new and different things. This is risky but is what keeps us going. I envy his energy, his spirit, and his willingness to get back up again and give it another go. They say you learn more through failure. I don’t know if this is true, but I do know that failure usually means you have to make a change of some sort and it is this that keeps you learning as usually after a failure you have to get back up again and learn some new tricks. For my dad, maybe this is what he needs to help slow him down a bit, not that he needs to be slowed because I think his energy and give it all ,never give up, keep trying new things, attitude personality is what gives him his fervor. Sometimes though we sit for a while and have inspiration and then keep getting ourselves involved in things that busy us. I have found that this is good in the fact that it is often times spiritually uplifting to be surrounded by new things and new ideas and new people, this is what drives human happiness I think. But I also find that the busier we become the more distracted we also are and the less able we are to focus on spirit, interpersonal thought and reflection. And then we tangent like this blog.
Just a blurb, randomness, simply randomness,
life’s, new life, brings beauty
stained by political violence
but in the end it is all I see
tomorrow is a new day
and a new sun
rising from a dying minute
gives new life
brings new hope
A father to be
a child in heart
we share the same beat
and youths wisdom
to open my eyes, to that which I cannot see
I am blessed
aren’t we all
I loved this paragraph. Says so much about living a life. Nice job. May your new son or daughter walk paths that make a difference in the lives of others. May he or she be blessed with wisdom and discernment as well as courage to do what is right unlike so many cowards in this world.
“My (Our)little baby is growing, it is moving, there are little feet poking out of Wendy’s stomach. Little feet that God only know where they will walk, what obstacles they will face, what goals they will have, what color hair, or what kind of life’s experiences. How beautiful, how simple, how strange to sit and watch something like life grow inside my wife. Which may I add is the toughest and most beautiful pregnant woman on the planet!! To be honest I feel like shopping for the TV was more work. And doesn’t that just sum up a man’s take on it.”
It does summarize a man’s take on it.