so that is the day I first posted in this blog, October 3, 2005, I wrote a response to my sister turning 30, I have written 224 entries since that time. I realized I have not had nearly as many self actualization’s this year (I was reading through some of my older entries). I am trying to figure out why that is and can only think it is because having a child make your brain infinately more infantile…. or maybe tired, or maybe just for lack of a better excuse, a person with infinatley less personal free time!! Or maybe it is becuase I have graduated myself from self help books. now I just spend time lamenting and thinking abou how I wish I could remember what they all said that was so great in the first place. I will have to write more later, My eyes are fading fast….
And you wonder why I don’t write more. I write when I have a brain shock. Or when the urge hits me. We need time to think and it’s possible you’re putting too much into your mind and not taking enough time to just think about it all. You know, a bit of meditation and going to mass now and then might help. Long walks without ear phones or camera or anything else will do also.. Try it and see what happens. I’m as guilty as you are and seeing what you wrote makes me realize I have this same problem.