I am sitting on the couch with the cat, thinking about very little but the fact that I should go to bed, and wanted to drop a line in the blog. Our President is a real Jackass; again proving the point that as the great “Decider” he cares little or listens little to the people of this country. As John Stewart said it is even hard to make 29% of the population happy 50% of the time. After watching millions of people walk out to support the nation’s immigrant population our jack ass of a president decides he needs to beef up the boarders by placing the National Guard there. Smart move Mr. President, at least he will use the National Guard for something even if it does not involve reinforcing the levy system after hurricane Katrina or insuring basic living conditions for many of his displaced Americans. He has found that reacting to irrational fear makes him a popular person. Weather or not it is rational behavior on his part.
We should be irate, he doesn’t listen to anyone, and he is a blind and ignorant fool. This is in no way arguable. I had a great talk with a long time friend of mine the other night how his
Many could arguer that this is simply a one sided argument, but I would argue that on paper and in practice the president has done nothing to help, or inspire good, or to promote the American values that his people pride and that he neglects to appreciate. As we sit here idle and watch this unfold it makes me sick.
Stephen, this is a great list of stupid blunders by the President. (By the way, I’m sure everytime we mention Bush in our e-mails the NSA computers are recording it.) I’m impressed. If you don’t already have a link, go to impeachbush.org. This is also part of votetoimpeach.org They have an extremely long list of impeachable offenses.
Ah and someone is the “great plagarizer.” I watched the Daily Show and realized you’d taken some of your ideas from the show, a show on which he discussed plagarism. I’d call this clever satire.