35wks, wht: alot, Hght: growing like a weed, Hair color: still red of course
I can’t believe Mom and me haven’t written for almost a month! I’m growing so fast and crawling so fast we just haven’t had time. I’m not walking yet, but I can stand for more than 15seconds now and I’ve been known to stand from a sitting position just a few times. I’m practicing my squats on the edge of the fireplace and sofa’s. My all time favorite game now is chasing Waldo. We love love to play together. My favorite game with her is stop her from eating out of her food dish. Oh, and I climb stairs now too. Only when i’m really motivated though ei: Waldo.
Last week I got my first real haircut. Mom’s cut my bangs a few times but this time the Mullet came off. Don’t worry, if anyone out there misses it we saved it. Mom says it may be the only thing in my baby book. Mom and Dad got a piano a few weeks ago and I love to listen to it. Dancing is fun and I like to shake my booty when Grandpa plays fast songs. He’s really good. All mom knows how to play is Mary had a Little Lamb and Oh Country tis a Thee. She’s getting better.
Mom and Dad just turned 31 this month. They’re really old now. I’ll have to try my hardest to keep them young by staying up late with them, walking so they get their exercise, and making sure they drink well. We like to go to Trader Joe’s in my stroller and fill it up with good wine and beer. Don’t worry not too much.
I’m starting to sleep through the night now. Just about every other day I try it out.
I’ve had lots of family around this last month and I love it. So many people to make me giggle, kiss me and watch me play. I think I’m pretty good entertainment. Grandma’s going to watch me this week while Mom and Dad take sailing lessons. My Aunt and Uncle will be in town too, oh i’m going to have so much fun. I can’t wait to see my Grammy and Grandpa B., just two more weeks away. I’ll have to practice walking more. I feel it in my bones I just might figure out how to take a step forward.
I’ll caught up with you all latter. Hopefully soon than later.
Layla, I read this some time ago, but have been busy with so many things that I’ve just got a chance to comment. I was glad to see you so many times since the beginning of the year. All paid for by National University besides. Even my last trip was tax deductible. God does work in mysterious ways. Keep up the good work. See you when you come to my place and decide you like it here more than the ocean. There is a lot of smoke in the air right now, so maybe not.